ST. VINCENT DE PAUL STA CONFERENCEOur founder, Blessed Frederic Ozanam, taught that we should see the face of Christ in those we serve. When they call, we answer; when they are in need, we help; not because they are “deserving” but because they are suffering; not because they are Catholic, but because we are Catholic; because whatever we do for the least of our brothers, we do for Christ Himself.Our conference at St Thomas Aquinas has been privileged to do the work described above due to the tremendous generosity of the STA community. With your help, we have fed, clothed, kept lights on, and kept roofs over the heads of our neighbors and their families. And we are grateful. This is truly a ministry of love. In the last several years, we have seen rents skyrocket, food prices continually increase, and jobs get more difficult to obtain and retain for these same neighbors. The number of calls we get each day and week continues to go up. The need is ever increasing. We have carefully discerned how and when to give financial assistance that will make the most impact and long-lasting effect. With that being said, we are almost out of funds to assist these neighbors. For the first time in a very long time, we have had to explain to those calling we can’t help financially. We can still give resources, food, compassion and prayer which we do for every call we get. However, there is a very important part of our ministry – paying for rent and utilities – that we can’t provide. So, we are humbly coming to you and asking you to prayerfully consider a donation to our conference. If it is within your means to help, there are several ways:
Thank you again for your continued support of our ministry. STA SVdP Conference |