How can St. Jude Library support your Catholic Faith?
St. Jude Library is dedicated to providing educational, devotional, inspirational, recreational, and reference materials to the members of St. Thomas Aquinas to help develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for our Catholic Faith. The library collections and services cater to the personal, family, and organizational needs of the parish community.
What kind of materials are in the library’s collection?
The collection includes books, periodicals, videocassettes, CDs, and DVDs. The collection contains subjects relevant to the Catholic Faith with an emphasis on adult formation. However, we also include a number of materials dedicated to children. Our video selection is directed toward wholesome family entertainment and education.
What are the library’s hours?
The library is normally open the following hours:
Sunday 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Thursday 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Occasionally, hours must be modified: temporary changes will be posted on the library door.
Where is the library?
The St. Jude Library is located under the church, off Saint Anne Hall. At the foot of the steps leading into the Hall from the church and rectory, there’s a solid Oak, single door on the left: go through that door to the library.
Who can use the library?
Any member of the parish community may use the library. In our wonderful world of high-tech, no library cards will be needed. Instead, each parish member household will have their parish registration number and contact information put into our system. Members of the household may borrow up to 4 items at a time.
Although the library does not allow non-parish members to borrow items from the library, visitors are more than welcome to come and use the facility for research or browsing.
How can I help St. Jude Library in its ministry?
We are always looking for volunteers to help in any number of areas within the St. Jude Library Guild. If you are interested in helping us make St. Jude Library a valuable asset for our parish, please leave your name and number at the Library phone 214-821-3360 x 4124
Donate your used books! We are always looking for donations to add to our collection! You may also show your appreciation for a friend or relative by donating materials in memory of a loved one or in someone’s name. Just drop your donations by the library or parish office.
We also appreciate monetary donations to support the operation of the library. Ask about our “10 Most Wanted List” which shows the ten top books most desired by the library. You may choose the book or books you would like the donation to be applied to, or the donation may be applied to the Library Fund.
What else is going on at the St. Jude’s?
We plan events like Children’s Reading Hour, Youth Group Movie Nights, Guest Speakers, Art Exhibits, and more! Keep checking this website for events.