The parish office will be closed for the Thanksgiving holiday starting Tuesday, November 26th through Friday, November 29th. The office will reopen Monday, December 2nd. Thank you for your patience. In case of an emergency, please dial the parish phone number. Happy Thanksgiving, St. Thomas Aquinas family!
You are invited to an Advent Night of Worship on Tuesday, December 17th! This will be a night of worship and prayer with Mass, Exposition and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, advent music, meditation, confession, and silence. Afterwards, please join us in St. Ann's Hall for some desserts, refreshments, and fellowship. Bring your friends, family, and neighbors as we gather together to prepare our hearts for this beautiful season of Advent. For more information, click here. We hope to see you there!
Please join us for community and fellowship after the 9am Mass on December 1st for Donut Sunday! Donuts, coffee, and juice will be served in St. Ann's Hall all thanks to the Holy Name Society. Stop by, enjoy a treat with your family, and connect with others at the parish. We hope to see you there!
Next Step Ministry is an eight-week course for couples who want to intentionally discern the vocation of marriage in community with peers and married mentors. We invite you to join us to learn more about the Catholic Church’s beautiful understanding of the importance of pursuing healthy interpersonal relationships as a path to holiness. Click here to learn more and register!
The Second Sunday Potluck will be taking a break for a while. If you are interested in getting involved with marriage ministries at STA, please contact Amy Northrop, [email protected]. Thank you and we look forward to our next potluck brunch with our STA family!
All ladies of the parish are invited to join Our Lady's Altar Society for our Christmas celebration on Tuesday, December 17. The meeting will begin with a Rosary a 11:30am in St. Ann's Hall. The St. Thomas Youth Choir will follow with music for the Christmas Season. There will also be a blessing of the Christmas Crèche, so please bring your infant Jesus for the blessing. For more information on how to RSVP, click here. We hope to see you there!
STAMA members and spouses are invited to STAMA's Christmas Soiree on Thursday, December 5th at 7:30pm at Times Ten Cellars. Food, wine, beer and plenty of merriment await! Get your babysitter scheduled now. We look forward to seeing you there! For more information, click here.
Our Lady's Altar Society’s annual fall bake sale is right around the corner. Mark your calendars for Sunday, November 24 and join us for the perfect opportunity to get your Thanksgiving goodies. All St. Thomas Aquinas bakers, jam, and sweets makers are invited to contribute their creations. For more information, click here.
All STA families are invited to sign up your child and help retell the story of Christ's birth in this year's Annual St. Thomas Mother's Association (STAMA) Christmas Pageant on Sunday December 8th at 3pm. Extended family is invited to attend. For more information about the pageant and how to sign up, click here.